8 Energy Boosting Tips For Busy and Tired Moms

Pregnancy,small children and busy schedules, staying out of motherland can drain any mom’s energy. Some Days, it is difficult to find energy throughout the day to finish your daily routine household chores.

The good new is ,You are not alone , all around the world,the moms of small kid are going through the same phase.Don’t keep the spotlight on you mom.

Motherhood sometimes physically , emotionally and mentally will be hard .

Your energy level often runs low whether you are home -maker or working mom.

Four years back, i used to get tired very often with my pregnancy and with preschooler .Few constant steps increased my health and energy level.

As kids are growing up we are growing old mom ..

Let’s see how to keep yourself energized in your daily routine.

Unijou comes up with 10 energizing tips to help you to stay active and happy for your motherhood journey!!!

Four years ago, i was expecting my second child and trying to survive in New country with my family with the early pregnancy symptoms, it become tough for me to handle my pre -schooler, cooking food , cleaning house,etc,. It made me to tears to live the life away from motherland.

Sometimes, it seemed there was no hope to re -energize myself. I go to survival mode – mentality when my spirit was dragging my body around the home.

I told myself that something has to be change to get the energy throughout the day.I began to analysis the ways to obtain energy . I started some self disciplined routine as a mom which helped me to get energy to manage two kids and the home .

These energy tricks changed my mind and body to evolve as strong mom.

If you’re a mom staying managing little kids and home ,fall into tiredness and lack of energy,then try this self cultured or energizing tips to make your mind and body happy and strong.


Exercise, “no i am not saying cooking ,cleaning going around your family”.

Yes ,with you small kids/breastfeeding kid.

After 45 days of delivery , you can start your basic exercise and gradually increase after 6 month of delivery.

Real exercise, yes , which will give your energy & pump your heart with happiness.

Start small, start with 10 min in morning and 10 minute in afternoon or night then gradually increase to 35 to 45 workout routine.

Start with low impact aerobics or walking.

Minimum 30 minute to 1 hour exercise will make huge difference in your energy level and reduce in waist size.

Different ways to exercise with small kids

Start doing exercise few times a week or go for outdoor walk or actively play with your kid in home or in park.

Start exercise in home with basic online video.

Buy Yoga mat and take printout of your favourite exercise , start do your favourite exercise while your kids play with toys .

Consistency is the key for your health .So try to do every day or atleast stick with 3 to 4 days a week for minimum of 30 minutes workout.

If you can afford to get gym membership with childcare option then choose that one .

2.Eat High – Protein Food

It’s easy to skip your breakfast and keep engage with your kids . But the secret to stay active all day till your kid sleeps at night . Hides in healthy breakfast.

You might be breastfeeding or mom who start diet after breastfeeding, all you have to do is stick with healthy food and snacks.

When you are filling your tummy with healthy food & snack,you are going to have lot more energy.

3.Stick with your Sleep Routine:

The energy mantra hides in your Good night time sleep.If you get enough sleep / give enough rest to your body.You can grab energy throughout the day.

If you have pre- schooler & child below one year .Then stick with sleep routine along with your kid.

Balance your sleep along with your kid and try to avoid any work after your kid sleeps at night , if you work in night after make them to sleep that will affect your next whole day of energy level.

Try to take power nap with your kid. Example,If your kid sleep for 2 to 3 hour anytime in day then take power along with them for 30 min to 1 hour.

If your kid sleep for 1 hour in morning time then try to take power nap for 10 minute .

4.Spread out chores throughout the week:

If you want to get good sleep and exerscise then work on this topic.

Spreading your household chores throughout the week is highly important to restore your energy level.

Plan your houshold chores like laundry, folding clothes, cleaning bathroom , grocery ,vaccum ,self care routine.

Plan your grocery shopping as family.

Do one day all laundry & next day folding .

In this way ,you can save enough time and you will not exhaust since you are doing one work per day. Highly helpful to follow your exercise and sleep routine and give time to rest yourself.

5.Mamma Diary

Trust me , writing your chores and planning your week or a day will make changes in your routine.

What you have to do is just buy beautiful diary and start write week before or previous day .Writing help you to stay on track without much diversion .

Keep write your wishes for the day ,you may not complete 100 % but you see huge different in your energy level.

Once we got baby , we also getting MAMMA’S BRAIN ,Yes first few year, most of the feel change in their memory like they used to forget things very often and easily.Mamma’s brain is totally normal.

Write how healthy and active you want to be when your kid are 5 years old.Writing will give you different idea about your day and your activites.You can correct your mistake by looking at your diary .

Writing the diary will help you energize your day.

6. Caffeine intake :

Coffee , tea and other caffeinated drinks considered safe and even health benefits .

Drinking too many of these beverages may have negative implicat your energy level.

Excessive intake of caffeinated drink ,can make you jittery and cause increased heart rate , raised blood pressure , Anxiety, trouble falling sleep .

Try to stick 2 cups of coffee or tea in a day.Drink your 2nd cup before 6pm so that you will get good sleep in night.

7.Drink Water:

It may sound simple but to run all day happily with lots of energy , you have to keep drinking water.

Yes, Water keeps your body to run,

Water helps you to stay active,

Water helps you to lose weight,

Water will put you in good mind.

In a study published by The Journal of Nutrition,mildly dehydrated young women experienced headaches ,fatigue,worsened mood and difficulty concentrating.

So , keep yourself hydrated active keep yourself active.

8.Take break/practicing quiet time:

Make everyday 20 to 30 min of quite time .

Relax yourself by drinking some juice or hot coffee or tea.

I remember , after my kid took nap ,i used to drink the hot cinnamon and cardamom tea which gives lot of refreshment . That relaxation helped me throughout the day to stay active.

You might like reading book , paint your nail or take hot shower . Just do whatever you like ,make that 30 minute in a day for yourself without diversion.

No one will give you time.You have all the chores around home . You have to make time for yourself.

Above Eight are the best way to keep your energy level high .

You are the energy of your family .Take care of your health mommies.

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