Know about PostPartum Baby blues

If you are reading this blog then you are in your pregnancy or reading with your little one in hand. Pregnancy bring lots changes in overall health of women . From physical health to mental health everything change in one day. Birth of baby bring bundle of joy , excitement and same time some sort of fear and anxiety .

In Modern motherhood ,everyone are busy with their own work. There is less people to take care of new mother and baby. After delivery , the most wanted thing for mother is complete rest at least for first 2 to 3 weeks, but not all mother are lucky enough to get rest after delivery.

The Word “Baby Blues” are common in women after childbirth like symptoms including mood swings, difficulty in sleeping, feeling sad ,tiredness and anxiety . The Baby Blue symptoms usually starts from first 2 or 3 days and will vanish by one or two week . Baby blues are common in postpartum period. You need not to worry about the Baby blues .

If the above symptoms are more severe like crying, sadness , mood swings,unconnected to baby and anxiety continue after 2 weeks of childbirth or some mother it will start in later months of child births it is referred as Postpartum depression.

Baby blues symptoms,

Have Trouble sleeping (you can’t sleep when your baby is asleep)

Feel worried , Nervous about being “good” mother.


Crying ,

Feel overwhelmed,

Feel trapped,

Reduced concentration,

Appetite Problems.

Above are the baby blues symptoms and it will go away within one or 2 weeks without treatment.

Here are the ways to do during your baby blue’s period and to reduce the stress of being mom during first few weeks.

15 thing you can follow after delivery

Keep it simple/Avoid overdoing anything ,

Do not expect too much from yourself right now,

Don’t afraid to ask for help,

Avoid people who make you feel bad and seek out those who make you feel good,

Set small goals for yourself( small walk for 5 min , eating healthy, drinking lots of water),

Go Video calls with family members,

Set limits with your guests,

Delegate your household chores.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Be your best you can . Do not blame yourself.Its is okay to feel not enough for now.

Prioritize things what needs to be done and what can wait.

Trust yourself . You are good mom and doing many thing right.

Talk with your partner/ family/ friends .

Let your partner and friends know what you need in specific.

Expect some good and bad days. Accept the new adjustment takes time.

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