Gestational Diabetes- You’re not alone

When i first heard the word Gestational diabetes its whole new world to me. Most of Indian mother will be same like me. I got my GD ,during 5th month of my second pregnancy. Look back ,those 5 months with GD strongly molded my body and mental health.

In UNIJOU, I’m going to talk more and more about gestational diabetes, the real truth about untold GD pregnancy . While reading this , if you are tested for GD or confirmed with GD ,during first or second pregnancy trust me you are not alone and I’m the example in-front of you . If you know what to do and what not to do then you are good to cross the GD during pregnancy.

Real Pregnancy

Pregnancy is biggest secret which every women body hides within her , you can unreveal the truth when you passing it every day by day .Most of Indian women ,heard and visualized in movie the most happiest part of pregnancy like eating sweets, resting in bed ,waking slowly and when the pregnant women feels pain then partner come and hold her and pamper her, its all only only in movie!! but the truth in real life far away from the movie.

The age , circumstance and mental health of girl will make big impact on pregnancy ,that when the women realize that she already be mother of one or two kids.

I always wonder!! How there is 1000 of food and beauty and how to take care of baby blog and their related products in India – for Indian women ? Why there are only very few blogs about real life time truth about women pregnancy and their tough part of pregnancy and how they overcome that .Talking and sharing the real life phase of pregnancy will definitely helpful for our next generation girls to mentally prepare for the wonderful journey of pregnancy.

Face the reality instead of scare away

If you tested positive for GD, then no way to look back . Look forward ,how to cross the pregnancy with GD . It is not easy to accept GD during pregnancy but it’s the reality and you have to accept the reality.If you prepare yourself best for the GD then you will definitely cross the GD in pregnancy . Im ,here to help you out all best possible ways.

Best in Gestational Diabetics

1.The test shows you ,how healthy your body for your baby to grow during pregnancy.

2.Healthy healthy food is only your choice.You will not eat any unhealthy food in any form.

3.Your diet will be most of fresh food ,healthy nutrients, lots of fresh liquids.

4.You will not put on unhealthy weight during pregnancy .

5.You have to follow at least 30 minutes of exercise without giving up.

6.If, you will follow up this diet and routine after delivery which will keep your body fit .

Hard Part In Gestational Diabetics

1.If you are one like me, who run miles away by seeing injection then its is hard for you.Yes, you have to pinch yourself with the tiny needle 3 times a days.

2.You can’t eat as your wish(quantity and timing) , you have to follow your healthy routine chart.

3.Your energy level will be low when you shift to GD , it will take month to stabilize your energy as normal.

4.If you got GD, during second pregnancy then will be little more tough to manage Elder kid and GD

You’re not alone,

Trust me , you’re not alone ,don’t keep spotlight on you.GD is most common health issue in western countries. Asian are slowly stepping into GD. Due to changes in our food habit and emotional well being.

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