Music for kids

Know about 9 Benefits of Music Education for Kids

Music and voice lessons are beneficial in children’s growth, it teaches children language skills, increases the IQ, social, cognitive, conceptual, patience and regular practice will bring out self – discipline. Music also helps children grow as people, teaching them creativity and confidence. The University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute scientists discovered a link between music in early childhood …

c-section in tamil,

Know about C-section not basic reason for your Weight Gain.

C-section is major operation for any women. The pain might vary for every mother and the healing time 6 to 8 weeks must needed for every mother. Along with c-section operation , the responsibility of taking care , feeding newborn baby make the c-section mother exhaust to the core . Most of the women are grown without major surgery in …

How to overcome Postpartum depression

As we saw details , about postpartum depression reasons and cause.If you are new to unijou here is the link If you are mommy ,who can relate to the symptoms of Postpartum Depression(PPD) then, this blog for you . They are many ways to come out of PPD if you found out early after your delivery. Accepting that you …

Gestational Diabetes

Control Gestational Diabetes with exercise.

If you are diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes . Adding good exercise to your daily routine will benefit you and your baby . Exercise is one of the best way to reduce your sugar level in addition to food diet .When you workout or stay active ,your body utilize the energy and that will reduce the sugar level. Going to gym …

Post partum Depression

Know About PostPartum Depression

Becoming Parent /Mother is a life changing experience . The hormonal changes , physical body changes during pregnancy will take few weeks to month to get back to normal. All you need is proper rest and care for yourself. If you not give your body and mind the required time to heal from all those pregnancy traumas , then your …

Know about PostPartum Baby blues

If you are reading this blog then you are in your pregnancy or reading with your little one in hand. Pregnancy bring lots changes in overall health of women . From physical health to mental health everything change in one day. Birth of baby bring bundle of joy , excitement and same time some sort of fear and anxiety . …

Healthy Skin

Postpartum Basic Skin Care Routine

Bringing new person to the world and nourishing them with love and care will need lots of effort. Adapting new sleeping habits , following baby care routine will bring lots of changes to new mom both physically and mentally. No surprise that the skin undergo lots of changes like pigmentation, ace , dark circle , puffed eyes , dry skin …

Gestational Diabetes control food

How to Control gestational diabetes with FOOD

The good part of gestational diabetes is you can control with protein rich food and moderate exercise on daily basis. You can simple control gestational diabetes by simply following good lifestyle routine. Developing healthy eating habits and taking control of your weight gain is most important to control GD. First step – to avoid any sugary food or food that …