Gestational diabetes monitering

Monitoring Gestational Diabetes in Home .

Once you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, regular monitoring of the blood sugar level is very important during pregnancy . Your health care provider will want you to know more about your day to day blood sugar level. Testing your blood sugar level everyday will help you to determine whether proper diet and weight gain have kept your blood sugar …

Mother care

No more mistake with Postnatal Mother Care

If women got pregnant then everyone in their family , relatives and friends will treat her as princess for all those 10 months/three trimester. It’s all until the baby come out the mother. Then, almost all the attention will go to the baby and only to the baby in most of the cases. If you ask any mother, the answer …

Gestational diabetes test

Gestational Diabetes Test

Welcome mammma, are you going for Gestational diabetes test or you might have high risk gestational diabetes during your pregnancy. You are not alone, all over the world women are going through gestational diabetes test during their pregnancy. First and foremost goodness ,Gestational diabetes occurs only during pregnancy and it usually goes away once you delivered baby. Gestational diabetes causes …


What are risk of Gestational Diabetes?

My biggest vision for starting website to write more information about Gestational Diabetes in pregnancy . Because , it’s like hided secret from most of mother with GD .During my second pregnancy ,i got gestational diabetes .But unfortunately none of the GD experienced mom ,not shared the basic information about GD in pregnancy. So, when i got my GD , …

Gestational Diabetes- You’re not alone

When i first heard the word Gestational diabetes its whole new world to me. Most of Indian mother will be same like me. I got my GD ,during 5th month of my second pregnancy. Look back ,those 5 months with GD strongly molded my body and mental health. In UNIJOU, I’m going to talk more and more about gestational diabetes, …

Self Care Routine For Parents During Isolation!!

“Lockdown” , the one word occupied the whole world to stay safe from COVID-19. Schools are closed, transportation are grounded, public spaces are closed ,the world economy is in shock!!. We are facing the sudden strange time global life . Health authorities are advising that social distancing and self isolation are important factors to flatten the curve. By going out …


Know About Coronavirus Symptoms in children and Infants

As the new coronavirus spread all over the world . It is common for every parent to get worry about their kids and if your new mom ,there is now way to get peaceful sleep with infant near to your chest during this pandemic outbreak. Knowing in detail about the virus impact on kids will help parents to stay calm. …

You need to know COVID-19 during Pregnancy

Congratulation you are pregnant!! Pregnancy bring mixed feeling of happiness. Your body keep change to bring new person to the world. You already started to feel the second person living inside you, isn’t. As the new virus scares all around the world . No question the fear and worry about COVID-19 in pregnant women . It normal to bring stressful …

Give Importance to Social Distance to save each other

We keep hearing the ” new term Social Distance”. “Practicing effective social distance is the key to protect the people we know/people we don’t know, even , care about”. The new coronavirus has higher reproductive number range from 1.4 to 6.5 , with an average of 3.3. In , several ways COVID-19 serious than seasonal flu .There is no know …

Things to keep your Kids Busy when you’re stuck inside

The Coronavirus outbreak has created a lot of issues around the world. Health officials and government are taking actions while we keep follow them to control the spread. Spring vacations are extending to School days cancel for next one or two weeks. As parents , we must be thankful for the government officials for taking this precautions measure to prevent …