Gestational Diabetes

Control Gestational Diabetes with exercise.

If you are diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes . Adding good exercise to your daily routine will benefit you and your baby . Exercise is one of the best way to reduce your sugar level in addition to food diet .When you workout or stay active ,your body utilize the energy and that will reduce the sugar level.

Going to gym or doing heavy exercise are not required to keep your sugar level in control. Simple 30 Minute walking will benefit you in all good way.

Along with healthy diet , regular excercise is must to keep control of gestational diabetes.

Monitoring your sugar level and doing excercise or staying active in any form will help you to keep control of your sugar level.

Exercise for Pregnant women,

Moderate intense exercise are recommended for every pregnant women to make her healthier and stronger.

Regular aerobic and resistance workout for 30 to 60 minute will make good difference in your sugar level.

You can talk with your doctor for more intense workout or if you want to follow any of your pre-pregnancy workout.

Some workout are not suitable for pregnant women like contact sports.

During pregnancy your center of gravity will change and that will affect your balance. Its is Best to avoid sports involving risk of falling.

Exercise to control Gestational diabetes,

Aerobic exercise are good for women with gestational diabetes. Regular exercise after meal time will help in lots of way,

You can find best exercise suitable for you by note down your sugar level before exercise and after exercise . Make it as trial and error for first few week. Once you make note of your sugar level along with type of exercise. Choose any one or two form of exercise and stick with that regularly.

Start with 15 to 30 minute exercise and slowly increase the duration to 45 to 1 hour for best result.


2. Stationary Cycling

3. Swimming


Walking is one of the basic form of exercise to keep your sugar level low.With Gestational diabetes ,walking is the best treatment for mother to stay active without increasing sugar level.

It is most important to check your sugar level after walking, the sugar level should not go low.

Walking After Dinner

After dinner most of us will not be active like in day time . It is must to go for walking after dinner that will help you to reduce your sugar level in the night timeand control your sugar level throughout the nite.

Make Walking as Family Routine

If you have elder kid, then make walking as fun time with your elder kid .Elder kid like mom time and its best time for you to spend before the little one arrive .

Simply make walking as family routine after dinner.

Move Around,

Try to move around your place instead of sitting in one place for long time. Use stairs as much as possible. Make practice of visiting parks nearby your place.

Gestational diabetes looks difficult is the starting. Once you setup your food habit and followed by good exercise which will control our sugar level. It will become easy to maintain in later months of pregnancy. At the end of 9th month,you will be used to the routine of your new healthy lifestyle.

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