Gestational diabetes test

Gestational Diabetes Test

Welcome mammma, are you going for Gestational diabetes test or you might have high risk gestational diabetes during your pregnancy. You are not alone, all over the world women are going through gestational diabetes test during their pregnancy.

First and foremost goodness ,Gestational diabetes occurs only during pregnancy and it usually goes away once you delivered baby. Gestational diabetes causes higher blood sugar than normal blood sugar.

As, we already discussed in our unijou –

1.the basics of gestational diabetes ,

2.the risk factors associated with gestational diabetes .

We already discussed about the basics and risk factors associated with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Now, lets see more about the types of gestational diabetes test .

Importance of gestational diabetes test

Gestational diabetes is most important test during prenatal care.Gestational diabetes can happen anytime during pregnancy,If you are in average risk of gestational diabetes, you will have the screening test during second trimester between 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.

If you’re at high risk of diabetes like if you’re overweight ore obese before pregnancy,then you most likely to take the test during our first prenatal visit.

Screening test for gestational diabetes

The following two test are most widely used to diagnose the gestational diabetes.

1.Glucose challenge test

2.Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

Glucose challenge test

You do not need to fast for this test .Fasting means having nothing to eat or drink except water.You can eat and drink normally before the test. For this test ,once you reached your doctor office , you have to drink a syrup solution that contains glucose.

One hour later,you’ll have a blood test to measure your blood sugar level.

A blood sugar below 140 mg/dl is usually considered normal on a glucose challenge test, although it may vary with your health care provider.

A blood sugar level of 190 (mg/dL)milligrams per deciliter indicates gestational diabetes.

If your blood sugar level is higher than normal ,you’ll need another glucose tolerance test.

Oral Glucose Tolerance test(OGTT)

The OGTT measures blood glucose after you fast for at least 8 hours.First , your doctor will take the blood after overnight fasting. Then ,you will drink liquid containing glucose.Doctor will drawn your blood every 2 to 3 hour to diagnose gestational diabetes.

If you have high level of blood glucose at any two or more blood test times – fasting, 1 hour,2 hour,3 hour mean you have gestational diabetes.

Treatment for Gestational Diabetes

If you have gestational diabetes, you should start treatment right away.

Doctors treat gestational diabetes with diet and activity and your doctor may prescribe medication to your treatment if you need it.

Your doctor will ask you to monitor blood sugar levels everyday to make sure the sugar level are in control.

The toughest part in gestational diabetes is to monitor everyday sugar level four or more time per day.

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