Drip drip drip it is raining outside you want to have fun.So… build a fort this, fun building activity needs a lot of patience. So read more for fun.

What you need

  • blankets
  • tape
  • packaging tape
  • decorations


  1. Find a good place to build your fort ( A corner is best)
  2. Tape one corner of the blanket to a wall or anything that is near you that you can tape your blanket on.
  3. Repeat step 2 for all 4 sides
  4. your roof is done
  5. now tape 2 sides of a other blanket to the roof
  6. Note: the instructions I gave you works best for a corner
  7. If there are any gaps close them with a pillow or cushion.
  8. Once you decorate your fort…YOU ARE DONE!!!!! Now call a friend over to play with you.


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