Self Isolation unijou

How to do Self Isolation while starting of symptoms!!

Identifying the symptoms of covid-19 /delta variant help you to wear a mask and start self Isolation which are the important way to protect yourself and your surroundings.

In this Blog , we are going to discuss in detail about the importance of self isolation and when to start self isolation followed by quarantine!!

When To Start Isolation and What it requires:

Once You start getting mild symptoms like body pain, fever, vomiting anything related to covid symptoms . Do Isolate yourself in a separate room along with a face Mask.


If you came to know that someone you met a few days back and you stayed more than 15 min in close contact with them like in the same room below 6 feet distance and that person tested covid positive along with severe symptoms .

Then you have to start wearing a mask and isolate yourself for 2 to 3 days in a separate room and monitor for any covid symptoms. If symptoms start , take your covid test.

Why Wearing a Mask and Self Isolation is Important,

Don’t  wait for Covid positive results !! to wear a mask!! 

First thing, wear a mask , if you are even starting with mild symptoms !!

Consider, if you are a family of 4 – Parents and Kids. If one partner got symptoms and started to wear a mask.

This will be helpful to prevent the infection from spreading to other partners and kids. 

It is kind of ok to manage when one person is infected instead of both parents getting infection or the whole family getting infection!! 

Wearing Mask & Kids Age Under 12 

Wearing a mask will stop the direct infection spread to kids under the age 12 who are not vaccinated.

Though the vaccinated person will not have severe symptoms due to covid-19 or covid delta variant but when it is spreading to non vaccinated kids the symptoms will be on harder side. So ,it is very essential to wear a mask and self isolate ,though both of you partners are vaccinated.

Not only the person infected should wear a mask , everyone in the house should wear a mask until the infected person starts complete isolation or quarantine.

When & How to Take Covid Test ,

Once symptoms start or you come to know that someone you met got positive and you stayed with them  for 15 min or more. 

When you start getting symptoms .

Go to the Covid testing center nearby your place and take your test by RT PCR Method.

If you are going to take a test by drive thru center , wear a mask and don’t take kids along with you or if you are going with your partner , make sure to wear a mask and follow hand sanitizing.

Covid -19 / Delta Variant ?

  Covid test will not  differentiate between Covid-19 (alpha ) and Covid delta variant? . They only shows result are covid positive or negative .

That is why it is important to stay cautious  even if you are a vaccinated parent. 

If a parent got covid positive and  it spread to unvaccinated children , you will not know the variant until the severity of the symptoms pops up after a few days of time!!

For Vaccinated Parents,

 Even if you are vaccinated , if you get mild symptoms of covid and it is 100 percent transmissible with its original viral count to unvaccinated kids or anyone.

Stay very cautious for another few months, the delta is the virus of concern and protect your kids from the variant.

How to Quarantine?

Quarantine is complete isolation for 14 days from the day you get the symptoms.

Once you got the covid test positive result. You have to start quarantine for 14 days.

It is good to stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom.

If you are  having symptoms you have to be in the room without visiting anyone in your home until your symptoms reduce.

Use paper plates and cups . We will discuss food in a separate blog.

If anyone is giving you food or visiting your room both of you must wear a face mask.

Visiting for a few minutes with a face mask at 6 feet distance will not spread the infection.

When to Call your Doctor,

When you got covid Positive, call and inform your physician , and follow the instructions.If your symptoms are mild they will prescribe to stay in quarantine with healthy food and Zinc, Vitamines.

If you have any underlying health condition , you have to discuss it with your doctor.

How long to Quarantine,

You have to quarantine for 14 complete days from the day 1 you got your symptoms.

If your symptoms are like one day fever and body pain and then your fever reduces , then you have to be quarantined for 10 days. 

You have to be out of any fever & symptoms for 72 hours before breaking your quarantine of 10 or 14 days.

If your Symptom getting worse,

Straightway go to hospital and get direct treatment from the doctor.

 Don’t Delay or don’t wait until , you become not manageable, even for kids visit hospital immediately , if symptoms are getting worse

Please follow CDC guidlines and consult with your doctor. All the above information are based on information based on Families and Friends

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