How to overcome Postpartum depression

As we saw details , about postpartum depression reasons and cause.If you are new to unijou here is the link

If you are mommy ,who can relate to the symptoms of Postpartum Depression(PPD) then, this blog for you .

They are many ways to come out of PPD if you found out early after your delivery. Accepting that you are going through emotional changes is more important in PPD. 1 in 7 women are affected by PPD.

Admitting there is a problem is first step to treat PPD. You should talk to your health care provider during Postnatal checkup or during general physical checkup. Some women will come out of PPD with simple lifestyle changes but some women might need medication or therapy to come out of PPD.

You have to talk with your doctor, which treatment option will best suits for you .Don’t feel guilt ,it’s not your problem and it will not make you bad parent or mom. Seeking proper medical help will help you to be better mom,wife and friend.

Here are few effective ways to treat PPD.

Make simple lifestyle-changes,

Start your day little before your baby wake up and do 10 min of guided meditation .Meditation relax your mind and effective to get good calm and happy hormone .

Take postnatal vitamins ,which is most important for your physical health.

Get help from your partner -to take care of baby -when you are taking bath and cooking or for overnight feeding .

Take bath in the morning time ,before you baby wake up or by leaving baby to your partner and dressup and look beautiful to make the day.

Scheduled regular exercise with your baby.

Eat nutrient rich food and focus on your healthy meal plan.

Go for morning walk with your baby in stroller .Getting sunlight will lift your energy level for the day.

Set reminder even for small task ,it’s totally normal mommy mind will always forget important to simple things.

Sleep when baby sleep or do your selfcare routine and avoid any extra work which will make you tired to take care of baby for the day.

Drink lots of water and weekly once take oil massage with your baby.

Scheduled your week day plan including meal plan, exercise and grocery shopping, laundry.

Build A Support Environment,

Talk about your issues with any one of your well wisher in your family or friends (if you prefer) or Connect with other mom and know the challenges of motherhood.

Find your local mom support group and stay connected with them . You can make regular walking ,gong to park will be good idea to stay relaxed and connected with your surroundings.

Get Professional Help,

Modern living sometimes make it hard to live with close surrounding. If you are not finding anyone to share your thoughts or give you support.

Take Therapy or counselling to treat you PPD is good start . Talking with professional will help you find ways to implement lifestyle changes . Trained Counselor , will help you to find the root cause of the negative feeling and guide you to overcome with positive lifestyle .


If you are not able to overcome with lifestyle change then talk with your doctor to get medication.

Medication for 3 to 6 month will give you difference and never worry that medication will become your lifetime list. PPD need some time and proper care to cure .PPD is not lifetime illness.

Postpartum is common illness which can be treated with lifestyle changes, therapist or by medication. After few years of delivery there comes your most wonderful time but don’t let this PPD put you down. Take care of your health along with your baby .

Happy mom Happy baby!!

If you have any questions or need any help to talk more about the PPD.Send email to be more happy to hear from you and to help you !!

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