Mother care

If you DON’T KNOW THE TRADITION OF MOTHER CARE now. You will hate yourself later!!

Becoming new mother needs lots of emotional and physical strength for any new mom. In first 40 days , new mother learn how to deal with the changes with her body and mind along with baby care.

All the new mother want is complete rest , rest . Her body needs rest to come out of all the trauma which went under during the delivery time.

They referred the first 40 days after child birth as Postpartum confinement period . During this period, traditional practice of mother care is more important .

For Asian women, the postnatal care is highly depends on the traditional way which family follows . South Indian mother care mostly stick with having the pathyum(traditional medicine food) after delivery.This traditional medicine helps new mother health to recover. In South india, after delivery care are more focused on baby care rather than mother care / they more focused on the type food mother eats rather than overall health of the mother. Because of this , south indian mothers are suffering from postpartum depression and back pain later stage in her life.

After learning the other traditional postnatal mother care for the first 40 days , i was wondered about that importance.

Again the traditional mother care is purely depends on the family practice ,though all indian traditions have wonderful mother care, following modern culture or not listening to our elders , taking easy of mother care and its importance and mothers struggling later in life .

Why you need to Know about mother care ,

If you are planning for pregnancy or you are pregnant now then educate yourself with mother care routine OR You deliver your baby then start your mother care routine right away.

Most of the mother staying away from India are not following this traditional mother care routine .

Since Mother care is followed from tradition.It si not sure that your family follow the method.But for well being of yourself, your health in future . Practice the mother care after pregnancy.If you are staying out of mother land then following traditional way of mother care will help you in lots of ways.


There is a chinese tradition, called ” sitting the month” or Zuo Yuezi , in chinese medicine they refer the month directly after childbirth is crucial to the future health of the mother and newborn.They following this tradition for 2,000 years .

What is the ” Sitting the month “.

Only rest , eat ,feed your baby and sleep.

No distractions, no books, no mobiles, no tv.

Eat only warm cooked and bland foods .

Avoid contact with cold and winds .

Though,the above is very balanced method of “sitting the moth”, the pure tradition way is more tough to follow . Is that looks cool rite, I still wondered they are luxury hotels available for this “sitting the month”. Some people spend more than $10,000 for this Zuo Yuezi after delivery.


How many of us know our next door state culture ? I will say , i came to know the north indian culture of mother care after my second delivery.

They are giving so much importance for the care of mother during this postpartum confinement period of 6 to 8 week /40 days after delivery.

They follow traditional nutrient rich food diet , massaging with oil to help mother to relax – it help to get enough sleep and rest.

The mother has to stay in home during this confinement period.

By giving enough rest and proper nutrient food during this first 40 days to ensure that helps the mother to stay healthy later years in her life.

They have special person like aunty who provide oil massage with warm water for the new mother .

They gave special massage for the tummy area to reduce the stretch marks and tonning the boby.

North Indian give so much of importance to oil massage with any of sesame oil ,coconut oil or almond oil after delivery, which is the best way to exfoliate stress causing hormones for the new mother , improve good night sleep , increase blood circulation.

They have tradition of tying the mother tummy with cotton cloth or saree/ modern method to use belly binding belts. This help to reduce the gas formation .


The only thing you have to do is listen to your body and take rest and follow the best method to stay best healthy.

Resting all day, taking hot bath and massage might look hard for you . But ,if you accept and follow the traditional healthy way during your postpartum confinement period , it will help you lifelong.

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