Post partum Depression

Know About PostPartum Depression

Becoming Parent /Mother is a life changing experience . The hormonal changes , physical body changes during pregnancy will take few weeks to month to get back to normal. All you need is proper rest and care for yourself.

If you not give your body and mind the required time to heal from all those pregnancy traumas , then your body and mind will lead you to postpartum depression.

Trust me ,not all women in the world are blessed with good caretaker around them and not all the pregnancy are going smooth in both physical and emotional.Every pregnancy has its own complication.As new mother you have to prioritize your health first .If you not follow proper mother care after pregnancy then you will lead to Postpartum Depression.

Postpartum Depression is one of the most common problem associated with Post Pregnancy. Most mother experience postpartum baby blue” but when the baby blues become severe and long lasting then it will lead postpartum depression.

Research shows about 1 in 5 (20%) new moms will experience postpartum anxiety or depression .

Postpartum Depression is a mood disorder , at first it is consider as” baby blues” but the signs and symptoms are strong and last for more than 2 weeks and longer .This will affect your ability to care of your baby and handle other daily activities.

Recognize / Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

If you have the following symptoms more than 2 weeks ,Then you have to take extra care for your body and mind as new mom,

Feeling restless or moody.

Feeling sad ,hopeless or overwhelmed.

Crying frequently, even about minor things/small things.

Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.

Trouble with concentration and memory.

Difficulty in making decisions.

Lack of interest in self -care , like dressing and bathing

Eating too little or overeating.

Lack of energy to perform everyday tasks.

Showing too much or not enough concern for the baby.

Loss of pleasure or interest in things that used to be enjoyble.

Withdrawing from friends and family.

Feeling worthless , guilty or like a bad mother.

Cause /Reasons of Postpartum depression

As said ,all you need is rest , if you overdue any of the following things , that will increase the chances of your depression level.

Don’t feel guilty ,if you have any symptoms of Postpartum Depression . Postpartum depression is not mother’s flaw and it’s not something mother did or did not do.

Hormonal changes may trigger symptoms of postpartum depression. The reasons differ from person to person.

Tired after labor and delivery,

Tired from a lack of sleep or broken sleep,

Overwhelmed with a new baby

Doubts about your ability to be a good mother

Stress from changes in home routine and work

An unrealistic need to be a perfect mom

Grief about loss of who they were before having the baby

Feel like Less attractive

A lack of free time for themself and social activities

Genetic disorder

Women living in larger city with less social support like caretaker.

The above are the some of the main causes of postpartum depression.The overall health of new mother is mostly depends on the surrounding and if the surrounding are not supportive, then the New mother has to take precaution earlier, to keep her mind and soul safe

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