Importance of kids Dental health

Know about the importance Kids Dental Health

Wish every parent should know about the importance of a kid’s dental health. Dental doctors only provide treatment for the dental issue but as parents it is important for us to know how important the kids dental health as they are growing up and which will influence their overall health as an adult.

Basic about Human TEETH

As humans we have only two sets of teeth in our lifetime : 20 primary teeth which is also knows as 20 baby teeth and 32 secondary teeth which also known as 32 adult teeth or permanent teeth.

The primary teeth will loose as the kids grow up according to their kids age and health factor and followed by the secondary teeth or permanent teeth. If permanent teeth got cavity or removed because of infection it can’t be grow third time or replaced in any natural way. The only way to replace the secondary teeth by the dental doctors which are know as dental implants(artificial tooth ).

As you can see how important the natural tooth and the secondary tooth as kids growing adult.

Once you end up with dental issues you have to make frequent visits with dental doctors which will be followed by much more  health issues. So as parents, we have to teach the importance of dental hygiene and dental health to the kids.

Giving the needed nutrients and protection from childhood will save kids and adult teeth in the  future.

Here, we are going to discuss more about kids’ dental health and how we can protect and improve their dental health at home.

Many parents are worried about visiting the dental doctor. Dental procedure usually starts with one cavity filling followed by a root  canal and few more for fillings and even worst case giving laughing gas and taking out most of the cavity tooth even from the kids age of 3.

Little girl brushing her teethLittle girl brushing her teeth.

When i was first heard first about giving laughing gas for dental treatment, after talking with other parents it looks like normal treatment in USA.

If kids are having cavities in baby tooth then the possibility of spreading cavity to permanent tooth are more!!

It is very important to protect and take care of kids’ teeth from an early age.

How kids are getting cavities

According to research approximately 43% of children between ages 2 and 19 develop cavities.

Teeth are made up of different layers – enamel, dentin, pulp and cementum.

The natural bacteria in your mouth feed off processed carbohydrates and sugary snacks. This causes bacteria clusters and a layer of plaque to build. Acidic waste then seeps onto the teeth, destroying tooth enamel.

Plaque is a sticky, clear film that sticks to the teeth. Bacteria form this plaque when starches and sugars aren’t brushed away. The plaque’s acids erode teeth enamel, eventually causing cavities to form.These process causes cavities in children and adults.

Cavity is more depend on the time the plaques form on the teeth and washed away.

The reality to know as parents are all the children have bacteria in their mouth. So all children are at risk for tooth decay.

Two small toddler children outdoors in summer, eating ice cream and standing in front of a gate.

But the following children’s are higher risk

1. Kids with a diet high in sugars and starches,

2. An unhealthy oral microbiome,

3. Drinking too many sugary drinks.

4. Saliva quality or less saliva flow then normal

5. Water supply that has limited or no fluoride on it

6. Poor oral hygiene can raise your child’s risk for tooth decay.

7. The mouth’s pH level ( bacteria thrive in acidic conditions)

Tooth decay may different from each child, the following are the common way that teeth develop decay and cavities.

The affected area begin to form white spots. The white spots mean that the enamel is starting to break down. They may lead to early sensitivity in the teeth.

1. Lighter brown color indicate early cavity on the tooth.

2. If the teeth turns darker shade of brown to black shows deeper the cavity.

3. Sometime cavities will be exists without symptoms until the dentist finds it.

Don’t wait until the dentist find it, if you start with dental treatment then it will become never ending story!!

Tooth health with everyday good brushing and flossing on a daily basis will bring lots of improvement.

How Vitamins and Minerals promote are vital for healthy teeth gums.

Vitamin D

VitaminD is not only essential for adults, these are very basic nutrients for kids which helps in absorbing calcium and to strengthen the teeth.

The most prominent source of Vitamin D available by playing outside and providing good sunlight, eating greens and fatty fish.

VitaminA and Vitamin C also plays major role in kids dental health.


Calcium is the main mineral that makes up our teeth and supporting jawbones. The more calcium your kids consume, the stronger their teeth will become. It also maintains the functions of organs, the bran and skeletal muscles. When we don’t consume enough of this mineral, our bodies take the calcium it needs from our bones which can weaken them.

The main sources of calcium are Yogurt, grains, fruits juices , soy , rice beverages and milk products.


A large amount of phosphorus is found in the teeth. It works with calcium to protect and rebuild your teeth enamel. Replenishing phosphorus is important for the maintenance and repair of your body tissue and teeth. Protein rich food like meats, eggs, nuts , legumes and Iron are important in strong tooth.

What are the best way to avoid Dental cavities in Kids

1. Kids like to imitate those around them, be a good role model and demonstrate good oral health habits for them.

2. Brush and floss with your kids rather than sending kids into the bathroom on their own. Make brushing and flossing a daily routine rather than a chore to do.

3. Parents must help kids below 5 years to brush their teeth, it is hard for them to clean the last tooth and backside of the tooth and kids by 5 to 10 years need parents monitoring and presence for brushing.

4. Eat healthy food. Avoiding sugary drinks and food helps to avoid cavity as sugar sit on the teeth will lead to decay!!.

5. Avoid stuffing food on mouth for long time or at one side of the mouth

6. Brushing 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes is recommended.

7. Set a timer and use a tarter dye if desired to be sure all the teeth surface are reached and brushing is enough to remove all the plaque.We use weekly twice the tarter dye to ensure the kids are brushing effectively.

Mother and kid having fun preparing healthy food in kitchen

There are apps available to make brushing fun for kids like

  1. Healthy Lives
  2. Brush DJ
  3. My Teeth All Inclusive
  4. My Bright Smile By Colgate-Palmolive Company
  5. Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B
  6. Tooth savers Brushing Game Offered by Partnership for Healthy Mouths

Sealants are one of the good ways to protect the children’s permanent teeth. Talk to your dentist about the option of having your child’s molar teeth sealed. 



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