What are risk of Gestational Diabetes?

My biggest vision for starting website to write more information about Gestational Diabetes in pregnancy . Because , it’s like hided secret from most of mother with GD .During my second pregnancy ,i got gestational diabetes .But unfortunately none of the GD experienced mom ,not shared the basic information about GD in pregnancy. So, when i got my GD , decided to share with everyone of you .

Before my second pregnancy i was little established with the term GD and know it affects only pregnant women and it goes off after delivery of the baby. When ,i got the GD, everyday experience is new, no one shared about the difficulties, how to cross the pregnancy with GD ,especially for indian mom.

In this post , you’re going to know more about Gestational diabetes in pregnancy and who all are in high risk for GD.GD is most common issue around the world .

Gestational Diabetes is most common issue for pregnant women around the world .Nearly 10% of pregnant women in US are affected with gestational diabetes and the ratio keep on increasing. In , US they have strong medical support and diet chart to keep the sugar in control.

The full form of Gestational diabetes is Gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM). In India-According to NCBI, the report shows about 17.9% in Tamil Nadu ,6.2% in mysore, 3.8% in Kashmir and most recent studies show the ratio of 35% from Punjab and 41% from Lucknow are affected with GDM .It is estimated , there are possibilities of about 4 million women are affected by GDM in India. Here ,Just to know the ratio started to collect information but the number are looking high .

So, it’s not which country you are living, pregnant women all come to one point ,you have high possibilities for getting GD during pregnancy.

Know about Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that is first see in a pregnant women who did not have diabetes before she was pregnant


GD basically High blood sugar that develops during pregnancy.

Even women who have 100% normal blood glucose (sugar) reading before pregnancy can develop gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes usually show up in middle of pregnancy by 2nd and 3rd trimester.Most of health care provider will request for GD test during 2 nd trimester.

How Pregnant women get Gestational Diabetes?

It’s all because of your pregnancy hormones and not because of you. Yes, During pregnancy , the placenta which connects your baby to your bloodstream for supply of nutrients and clearing waste , produce high levels of various other hormones. Most of this hormones impair the action of insulin in your cells and causing rise in your blood sugar level.

During pregnancy – After meal, elevation of blood sugar is normal. The bigger your baby grows, the more of these insulin – blocking hormones your placenta produces – which is why GD during 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the body’s metabolism of fats and carbs and help the body turn sugar into energy.

When the hormones from the placenta block insulin and preventing body to regulate the increased blood sugar during effective pregnancy the Gestational diabetes appear.

Gestational diabetes with all elevated sugar level is not something to ignore and be cautions about your body .

Why Gestational Diabetes is problem?

It is important to consider Gestational diabetes as serious health concern , else it can cause serious issues for mom and baby.

GDM /GD with all elevated sugar level , it will find way to affect your body systems in many ways.

1.Cesarean birth :Baby can grow large( 9 pounds/4 kg above). Increased weight make likely to hurt during labor and birth . You may need to go for C-section to keep you and your baby safe.Most women with GDM can have a vaginal birth.But they’re more likely to have a c-section than women without GDM.

3.Perinatal and Postnatal depression. This depression happens during pregnancy or in the first year after having baby .Depression is a medical condition that cause feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in things you like to do. It also affect how you feel, think and act with your daily life. It needs treatment to get better.

2.Increased risk of preterm birth

3.Increased risk of high blood pressure for mom (preeclampsia or hypertension)

4.Increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes for mom and baby.

Gestational Diabetes can also cause health complications for your baby after birth , including:

1. Breathing problems – including respiratory distress syndrome for baby.

2. Jaundice-This is a medical condition in which a baby’s eyes and skin look yellow.There is increased risk that newborn to develop .Jaundice goes away rapidly with treatment ;one form of treatment is to expose baby to special lights that get rid of the pigment.

3. Low blood sugar.

4. Obesity later in life.

5. Diabetes later in life.

All of the risks can be managed if gestational diabetes identified and can strictly treated with diet and exercise – but some women do need insulin .

Who all are at high Risk for Gestational Diabetes?

Researchers aren’t sure why some women get gestational diabetes while others don’t,they do suggest that you may be at an increased risk if:

1.If You are Overweight : The extra weight affect the insulin ability to control the blood sugar level.Body Mass Index(BMI) of 30 or more going increase the risk of gestational diabetes.

2.If you have a higher level of abdominal fat: Research published in the American Diabetes Association’s Journal Diabetes Care found that women who had higher level of tummy fat in the first trimester are more likely to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes later.

3.If you have a family history. If diabetes runs in the family , you may be more at risk of GDM. Women who are African- American,Hispanic, Asian or Native American are also statistically more likely to receive a GDM.

4.If you have prediabetes .This means your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diabetes

5.If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome also called polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. This is a hormone imbalance that affects a woman’s reproductive and overall health.

6. If You have been put on bed rest.If not active for long time .

According to Indian Journal of Diabetology , study conducted in regions of North India part results shows all the above mentioned risk factor increasing age, obesity ,family history of diabetes are an important risk factors .Even in the study 43.48% individual with hypothyroidism are diagnosed with GDM

You might think you are not under any of the above risk factors . In that case, it shows even women without any symptoms of the above risk factors can develop serious gestational diabetes. This why ,health care providers test you for GD during pregnancy.

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