Mother care

No more mistake with Postnatal Mother Care

If women got pregnant then everyone in their family , relatives and friends will treat her as princess for all those 10 months/three trimester. It’s all until the baby come out the mother. Then, almost all the attention will go to the baby and only to the baby in most of the cases.

If you ask any mother, the answer will be the same and mother full focus on the little one as like others. Mother forget about her and her postnatal health after pregnancy. All the priorities will go towards the baby. Nowadays, we used to hear one new word along with pregnancy and baby care which is postnatal depression.

If mother and their surrounding not giving importance of health and care for mother then it will slowly leads to postnatal depression .

Why i’m writing about postnatal care,

Its my long time wish to write and share the information about mother care after delivery. I have seen tons of blogs and books about pregnancy , how the baby is growing from first trimester till the delivery each and every aspects of baby growth are available on online.

Same for after delivery and growing baby , there are millions are articles and books available on the market. But if you search for the postnatal care then it’s not even in numbers.

How many of you aware of postnatal care which is most important as Pregnancy Trimester.

I’m not aware of the postnatal care until my second kid six month old ,then slowly started to learn about the care for mother and the importance, that is too late for me . Staying in abroad will make you to learn how to live on your own in every aspects of life. Pregnancy and delivery is not exceptional.

Why i’m writing about Postnatal Mother care,

Because , im unaware of postnatal mother care . For my first kid gained 90 kg then reduced to 62 kg and for my second kid gained 75 kg along with gestational diabetes then reduced to 60 kg both are c-sections. If i took care of my health after delivery then ,i might not put much stress and time for reducing my body weight and so on.

And the things get really different ,if it’s your second delivery.

It took years for me ,to come to know when to start exercise after c-section. It took years to understand ,your body will listen to you . If you take care of your body probably, the more active and healthy you are as mother then you be more happy mom to your kids.

I don’t want to hold the ,importance of mother care within me, i want to share the information to all new mothers like you , i will be more then happy ,if any of my lifetime experience will help you to live better in this beautiful motherhood phase.

Pregnancy and motherhood phase,

Though the pregnant women looks happy , she will always have underneath thinking of baby development from the skin to brain development. The happiness and stress will always goes in hands as near to delivery.

Once the baby born,due you think , the mother will be completely happy. She keep praying for the good growth of baby ,the fear will be there until the baby grow. After delivery, the happiness and other hand breastfeeding for newborn and her monthly cycle will starts to flow.

Mother Happiness ,

She is having the new bundle of her joy after 10 months of period.

Awaited happiness is there in her hand.

The most wonderful feeling for any mother ,when they see their baby first time will always be there.

Unknown factors of new mom

Her body went unknown changes which she never experienced for her age due to pregnancy and delivery.

Her pregnancy cycle starts after 10 months of period. with heavy flow for first 5 days then it continue to 10 to 15 days with normal flow.

She has to start follow her breastfeeding routine to nourish her baby for minimum of next 6 to 12 months .

Health of baby is always first in mammas brain including regular checkup, temperature ,comfort of baby.

Her body will be tired for first 40 days, due to the delivery pressure through physically and emotionally

She has to eat healthy to feed baby and to grow healthy.

Her sleep pattern changes according to baby sleep pattern of baby 24/7 which leads to emotional changes.

Living in motherland with group of relatives / living as individual family / living in abroad.

If mother lives with surrounding more people who take care of mother baby like, aunty ,uncle, grandparents . If they take care of baby while mother taking rest or taking bath or eating food or having cup of coffee. This will happen if you surround by good surrounding relative .

If , you live as individual family or in abroad, then friends will be mostly visitors , some friends might help you for first few days. Later on they don’t know how to help you regularly and you and your partner gradually start to manage yourself without asking your friends.

If you are not surrounded by helping relative or people and if you are staying individually or in abroad , then the pressure of taking care of baby and mother health is relatively high for the partner and for the mother .

Taking care of baby need lots of time and energy . Any new mother will need help for first 40 days .

NewBorn and Household chores

The toughest part of any new mother is taking care of newborn and the household chores, from laundry,cooking,cleaning and the job endless.

It is must to have elders or caretaker for mother and baby after delivery or for first 40 days.

For giving meal and taking care of baby while mother rest. If its second delivery, then there should be someone to take care of the elder kid.

Why Mother care and support system are important,

As we already know during pregnant women undergoes lots hormonal changes.

After delivery , the hormone play major role in mother health.

When mother is surrounded and pampered with abundant of love and care that will boost the essential hormone of new mother. That hormone is namely oxytocin also know as love hormone.

This oxytocin creates the effective contractions of labour and also helps to deeply bond and fall in love with new born babies as well as producing abundant breast milk.

oxytocin increase in our bodies when we feel loved, nurtured , warm and supported . It decreases when we are feeling cold, hungry, tired, stressed, anxious and unappreciated.

If this hormone changes happen not with love and care ,then it will lead to postpartum depression.

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