Healthy Skin

Postpartum Basic Skin Care Routine

Bringing new person to the world and nourishing them with love and care will need lots of effort. Adapting new sleeping habits , following baby care routine will bring lots of changes to new mom both physically and mentally.

No surprise that the skin undergo lots of changes like pigmentation, ace , dark circle , puffed eyes , dry skin . New moms are busy , tired for first few weeks to few months. It’s true, that you have very little time to take care of yourself. But, don’t feel selfish to take care of your skin by spending few extra minute as new mother.

Here are the basic skin care for every new mom,


Wash your face with splash of water , wash your hands , neck using mild face wash cleanser. Give importance to your neck and hand to get complete result.

Due to hormonal changes your skin might get oily. Cleaning your face keep you look good without dull and oily skin. Wash your face at least 2 to 3 time a day-Morning , evening and night. You will feel refreshed with every face wash. Don’t use harsh chemical or heavy cleanser . Just use mild face wash or cleanser regularly.

Drink lots of water and Moisturize

To get healthy skin back you need to hydrate your body with lots of water starting from your first day of delivery.Water will eliminate the toxic substance from your body and keep your skin nourished.

The magic of skin care routine is moisturizing your skin everytime after wash . Hydrating your skin is like giving best food to your skin. Hydrate your skin morning and before bed time for best result. Just buy basic moisturizer along with your baby diaper.


Exfoliation removes dead skin and brings you healthy skin , every week do regular exfoliation to maintain healthy skin . You can make scrub in your home like coconut oil scrub with coffee powder .

Make 10 minute in a week for your mommy self care routine and do this exfoliation .Removing dead cells will help you to get new healthy skin.

Protect your skin

UV rays are most damaging rays to your skin. Tough you stay outside for few minute , it will affect your skin .

Apply sunscreen cream /lotion or use moisturize with good sunscreen . Don’t think sunscreen is only for outdoor activity . It will damage your skin even if you are in-door.Keep sunscreen in your skin care routine.

Take care mommies,

Washing/cleansing face, neck and hands.

Drinking lots of Water /Moisturizing


Sunscreen Lotion

Most of the time Laziness will keep you away from good things, it will take hardly 5 to 10 minute to take care of yourself.

List out this basic thing and buy it before delivery then no need to worry. After delivery keep the list and buy along with your baby diaper. Your skin is important too don’t feel selfish for your 5 min time .

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