
Rasmalai – How to Make Soft Rasmalai

Rasmalai is an Indian sweet made of paneer or chenna cooked in thickened milk (Rabri/rabdi). Rasmalai is popular Bengali dessert also known as Rossomoloi.

First time , tasted this heavy milk recipe in my friend home, after that ,it become our favourite dessert. To be honest , never thought of making this recipe in home. With little children in home, always stepback to make Rasamalai in home.Since it stick in my mind,it will take lot of time and need lots of vessels to wash after making. Yet,My elder son, not much fan of rasamalai , soo not gave try for this recipe for so many years!!

For Parents , nothing stands, if kids made any wish . Yes , my 4 year little girl like rasmalai a lot .First she had recipe in function and then she keep ask me to make Rasmalai in this way(white, round flat thing ma) .

There are few reason why not tried this yummy recipe in home,

Only 2 adult like the sweet in home, there is high possibility to put on weight ,if made in home.

Cooking time and number of washing back vessels is more and its tough with little children around home.

Making Rasmalai easy or tough for mommies!!

I would say , not best recipe to try with kids age below 1 or 2 years.

Time consuming recipe and need at least 4 vessels.

If you are having helping hands then you can try rasamalai with 2 year kids .

I made this recipe in evening time by 7 to 9 along with prepared dinner , if you are planning to make in the afternoon time , make it side by side with your lunch preparation.

If you have time and little energy then definitely give try to Rasmalai, it’s worth the time and energy.

Like gulb jamun, you can make 18 to 20 Rasamalai disc in home with 1 litre milk or 40 disc in 2 litre milk.

You can prepare Rasmalai a day before and keep it in fridge , cold Rasmalai taste better then hot Rasmalai.

Rasmalai works best for kids party / special pooja occasion/ potluck as dessert .

Rasmalai Recipe

Indian sweet dessert made up of Thickened milk
Prep Time1 hour 15 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
1 hour 15 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 20 People


  • Wide open pan for rabri, Pan to boil milk and to get paneer , muslin /cotton cloth to filter paneer , Pan to make sugar syrup, Bowl to cool down paneer disc .


Ingredients For Rasmalai

For Paneer or Chenna

  • 2 liter Milk or 8 cups milk (full fat )
  • 3 to 4 tbsp Lemon juice or 1 1/2 size big lemon
  • 1 liter ice water or ice cubes

For Sugar Syrup

  • 11/2 cup sugar
  • 41/2 cups water
  • ice cubes /ice cold water

To Make Rabri

  • 1 liter milk or 4 cups of milk
  • 11/4 cup sugar
  • 3 to 4 tbsp pista & almonds sliced (or chopped)
  • pinch saffron
  • 1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder


Make Soft Paneer or Chenna

  • Boil milk on medium heat in heavy bottom milk pan .It will take 10 to 15 minute to boil at laste 10 minute keep stirring the milk in between to avoid burnt at the bottom of pan.
  • Once the milk comes to a boil and start to rise, add lemon juice and keep stirring until the milk has curdled completely.
  • If it doesn't curdle then add some more lemon juice 1 to 2 tsp and stir again it curdle completely in low flame.
  • Turn off the stove .Add ice water or add ice cubes to the milk pot and set aside for 3 to 4 mins.
  • Strain this mixture in a cheesecloth(muslin/cotton cloth)and collect the Crumbled paneer or Chenna
  • Wash the collected chenna or paneer with fresh water to get the lemon juice and flavour out of it.
  • Wrap the cheese cloth and squeeze tightly to remove excess water from the chenna and make knot
  • Hang the cheese cloth for 20 to 30 mins to remove the excess water.Make sure the chenna is not completely dry.
  • Remove the knot and give gentle squee.Open the cheese cloth .The channa should be moist and nice crumbled round shape

Kneading Chenna

  • Transfer the chenna to a plate.Break the round crumbled chenna from the cheese cloth and knead it well until smooth without any grain.
  • Now take equal amount of this soft chenna and make small to medium balls(the disc size will double in sugar syrup ,so make small chenna balls)
  • Then press the smooth ball with your both palm to make chenna disc .If disc got crack in the side then roll or press the sides gently to make it smooth.
  • For 2 liter milk, you can make 40 small disc or 20 medium disc.
  • Make disc for entire mixture and keep it ready.

Make Sugar Syrup

  • Bring 21/2 cup of water to boil with 1 cup of sugar.
  • Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Allow the sugar syrup to boil rapidly , then add the chenna discs gently.
  • Makesure ,while adding the disc its having enough room to double in size .Use wide open pan or boil the disc as 2 to 3 batches.
  • Cover the pan and cook for 10 to 15 min on a high flame.
  • Meanwhile , keep bowl with cup of cold water or 10 to 15 ice cubes depends on number of disc you cooked in sugar syrup.(This step is to stabilize the chenna disc).
  • After 5 mins ,transfer the channa disc from sugar syrup to the bowl with ice cups for 15 min.Then transfer to rabri/ thickened milk to make rasamalai.

Make rabri/ Ras

  • Take milk in wide heavy bottom pan or kadai
  • Boil milk in medium heat while stirring in between.
  • Add saffron strands,almonds ,pistachios and cardamom powder.Mix well
  • In medium flame boil for 20 to 30 mins until it turns half or become thick with stir every 2 to 3 mins to prevent milk burning at the bottom.
  • Once the milk reduced , keep the flame in low and add the prepared chenna disc's.
  • Add all the prepared disc and cook for 2 mins.
  • Let it cool down completely .Yummy Rasmalai is ready.Refrigerate and serve chilled.

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