Things to keep your Kids Busy when you’re stuck inside

The Coronavirus outbreak has created a lot of issues around the world. Health officials and government are taking actions while we keep follow them to control the spread. Spring vacations are extending to School days cancel for next one or two weeks.

As parents , we must be thankful for the government officials for taking this precautions measure to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

It’s not advisable to make playdate for kids and staying away from from social life is mandatory.

You might go crazy by staying inside, there are several activities you can do to pass the time and keep yourself grounded,many of this activities can be done within home.

Mommies ,it’s best time to work together with your kids as family.

Let’s get ready to actively engage with your young kids as family.

Social distancing doesn’t mean your whole life has to stop .It just means you may need to think outside the box to come up with ways to enjoy your time.

Preschooler love to cook,

If your kids come around you while cooking or shows interest in cooking, then ask them to wash vegetable, fruits, ask them to work with you for meal preparation.

Five years old love to make coffee ,fruit salad,bread toast , egg toast ,even breakfast for their mamma.Never forget to keep eye on them with big smile on your face.

Spring clean up with music:

Start cleanup with your kids favourite music, then make kids to clean up their toy room with your help. As they cleaningup keep your appreciation around them which make the job done easy.

Spread the cleaning chore into weeklong activity like everyday or one another day.

Arrange their Study room , study table, book shelves and important file with label . Arrange their closet and shoe.

Teach your kid a new life skill.

Teaching your kids life skills is most important.

Have them put their own laundry, guide them to sort their cloth for washing, drying, folding and placing back their washed cloth in shelves.

Kids by age 6 to 8 year love laundry ,but mamma pdont expect the perfect folding, it will be better than your hubbies closet.

If you have older kids ,then teach them to sew a button, peel vegetables, unload utensils from dishwasher, get help to make dinner.

Weed and rack leaves from garden, make their own bed or water plants.

You are making lifetime memorable moments , so don’t wait until they finish their chores. Praise them right away, encourage and make positive happiness in your children.

Do all the crafts

Ahha , if you are like me, you have a unlimited craft items but you never have time to do anything with them.Then grab them down to hall ,start work with your kids.

Kids love craft especially painting, my kids Reya and Abhinav love to do painting and crafts .Make any craft with the available material in home. There are tons of youtube video and craft pages on google .Make best craft which is best way to encourage and pass the time effectively.

Structure Kids Study time

Its Best time to make kids self cultured with their studies.

Make daily work schedule along with your kid as in school for 5 days a week .Depends on the kids age start from reading, writing , doing math ,science project.

Stick with daily study hour routine to keep engaged instead of sitting in internet . Engaging kids with their grade level portion is most important.

Do Gardening;

Kids love to get dirt. They are eager gardeners, love to experiment with colorful flowers.

Since ,we are in the starting of spring , engage kids with gardening activity.

Remove weed from lawn, rack the old leaves , to start seedling ask them to label with their handwriting in ice cream stick to label every seeds.

Sow the seed and ask them sprinkle water everyday .They will enjoy to grow new plant.

Make sure ,the weather is good when you are working in backyard. Keep that 6 – foot distance from people.

Fun Games and activities

Staying indoor make less active kids. Play dance and freeze with your favourite music.

Plan everyday different activity like dance, exercise, yoga, kids fun pillow fighting game.

Bring back the christmas gifts, lookout for the puzzle game, board game and stay away from video games all time .

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