You need to know COVID-19 during Pregnancy

Congratulation you are pregnant!! Pregnancy bring mixed feeling of happiness. Your body keep change to bring new person to the world. You already started to feel the second person living inside you, isn’t.

As the new virus scares all around the world . No question the fear and worry about COVID-19 in pregnant women . It normal to bring stressful situation for pregnant women or who are in 3rd trimester or delivered new baby. Knowing the real facts and effect of COVID-19 will help you to keep yourself strong and happy during this outbreak time.

Precaution and understanding the basic impact of this COVID-19 is good for pregnant women well being.

What is your immune system?

Pregnancy changes the body system. The Changes in immune system and hormone level make you more vulnerable to infection . Different part of immune system are enhanced while other are suppressed . These changes are required in immune system to protect you and your baby from disease.

Your body is balancing in every possible way to provide best protection to your baby. You’re good.

COVID-19 spread to everyone people but the damage is depend on the individual people immune system. World wide health experts are saying ,people above 70 and pregnant women are under “HIGH RISK” category.

Yes, you are in HIGH RISK category ,it’s not mean you will get the infection first. Read below to understand, what is happened to pregnant women who got COVID-19 , learn and protect yourself from the COVID-19 .

Know Covid-19 in the world

Center of disease control stating that they are learning more about the new COVID-19 effect on pregnant women.

On Feb.28 , the World Health Organization(WHO) published an analysis of 147 pregnant women(64 were confirmed to have coronavirus,82 were suspected and one who had no symptoms).Found that 8% had severe condition and 1% were critically ill. According to the WHO ,in that about 80% recovered from the disease without needing special treatment but one out of every six pregnant women who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing .

According to UK’S Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists,There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage. There is no evidence that the virus can pass to your baby while you are pregnant or during birth this is called Vertical transmission.

COVID-19 transfer to fetus or newborn?

A study of nine pregnant women, who were infected with COVD-19 and showed that none of their babies were affected by the virus. The virus was not present in amniotic fluid, the babies’ throats, or in breast milk. The risk of passing infection to the fetus appears to be very low , and there is no evidence of any fetal malformation or effects due to maternal infection with COVID-19.

This look hopeful for pregnant women to stay safe during this outbreak.Though pregnant women got the COVID-19.None of them developed severe illness, and all of their babies were born healthy. That, the virus is not transferring in mother’s womb.


Yes, you can prevent any infection by taking small , everyday precautions to reduce possible harm to you and your baby.

Health officials recommending safety measure during pregnancy same as for the general population ,

1.Regularly wash your hands with soap and water .Even after preparing vegetables and playing with children.

2.Don’t share eating utensils,cups and food with other people.

3.Avoid unpasteurized,or raw dairy products.

4.Stay away from home pet animals.

5.Keep your vaccination up-to-date.

6.Keep calm and follow what you love like ,listen to music, painting, craft work inside the home.

Include – avoiding crowds, staying away from sick people , avoid travel ,choose to work from home .

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