The Coronavirus outbreak has created a lot of issues around the world. Health officials and government are taking actions while we keep follow them to control the spread. Spring vacations are extending to School days cancel for next one or two weeks. As parents , we must be thankful for the government officials for taking this precautions measure to prevent …
Why Reading to little kids are important .
Cultivating reading habit is one of the best gift you are giving to your kid life long success. Reading to children is proved to improve their linguistic development. In the first six years,children learn at a much faster pace than at any other time in their lives. Vital connections in brain are made very early in life. At younger age …
8 Energy Boosting Tips For Busy and Tired Moms
Pregnancy,small children and busy schedules, staying out of motherland can drain any mom’s energy. Some Days, it is difficult to find energy throughout the day to finish your daily routine household chores. The good new is ,You are not alone , all around the world,the moms of small kid are going through the same phase.Don’t keep the spotlight on you …
Lemon Fish Fry
Fish is great source of healthy fats omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which is good for nervous system and vision . It is loaded with important nutrients such as protein, mercury and vitamin D. This Nutrients are important for Brain development . Including fish in kids diet is mandatory.Try to make fish recipe for once in a month …